Long Buildup Short Buildup
Updated: Jan 22, 2022
Using the Future and option dashboard of the Intradayscreener website, you can check Long Build up, Short buildup, Short covering, and Long unwinding of a stock. Advanced Futures and Options Dashboard can help with how to select stocks for intraday and to find which stocks to buy and sell.

What is a long build up?
Long buildup stocks mean people are making long positions that are either buying the call option or put option. This is characterized by an increase in open interest and increase in price
What is a short build up?
The short buildup is a situation where more people are expecting the prices to go down and hence creating short positions in the security. Usually, this situation involves a decrease in price and an increase in open interest.
What is Long unwinding?
Long Unwinding refers to when an underlying asset sells a stock for a longer period. Whether to gain profits or to avoid risks. Long unwinding is marked by a fall in price and fall in open interest
What is short covering?
Short covering, refers to the purchase of securities by an investor to close a short position in the stock market. The process is closely related to short selling. Short covering is represented by an increase in price and a fall in open interest.

How to use Long buildup while trading stocks?
Usually, stocks where in the last few days, price is moving up and open interest is also moving up, continuing their movement because the continuous long buildup is being built. Similarly, if short positions or short buildup is happening in any stock from the last few days, it's high likely that stock will continue to be in a downtrend for sometime