Relative Outperformance
The Relative outperformance screener can help you figure out which stocks have momentum and are outperforming benchmark indexes, as well as which stocks are lagging benchmark indexes.
What is Relative Outperforming Scan?
Relative outperformance measures how much a stock has outperformed or underperformed the underlying index in absolute terms. Short-term traders should look for stocks that have outperformed in the last 7 days (SHORT) and the last 60 days (MEDIUM). The relative outperformance column displays the percentage by which it outperformed or underperformed Benchmark (Nifty).
If a stock has consistently outperformed the index over the last two to three months, it is quite likely that it will continue to outperform and that such equities will be purchasing on the decline. The built-in Relative outperformance and Relative underperformance screeners on the intradayscreener website can help you quickly identify such stocks.
So, if we look for equities that have been beating the index for 5-6 months and then start to outperform again in the last 5-7 trading sessions, we know that the uptrend has resumed.